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The CARI’MAM project, for Caribbean Marine Mammals Preservation Network, was implemented between 2018 and 2021.
It was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the framework of the Interreg Caribbean Program.
The project was co-piloted by the Regional Activity center for the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife Protocol (SPAW RAC) of the Cartagena convention, and the National Natural Reserves of the Grand Connétable Island (French Guyana) and of Saint Martin and the Agoa sanctuary of the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), its leader.
The CARI’MAM project aimed at :
The main output of the project is the creation of the CARI’MAM network that currently brings together more than 200 persons, from 70 organizations and 20 countries and territories of the Wider Caribbean Region. The network is supported by the AGOA sanctuary and the SPAW RAC, that are currently aiming to ensure that the network continues to strengthen and is sustainable over the long term.
In the other pages dedicated to marine mammals of this website, you will find the other major outputs of the project, such as :
You will find below the reports of the workshops conducted in the framework of the CARI’MAM project