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This educational kit is offered to you within the framework of the CARI’MAM project by the Regional Activity Center for the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife Protocol of the Wider Caribbean Region (SPAW RAC) of the Cartagena Convention.
In order to support commercial marine mammal watching operators to develop a sustainable and responsible whale watching activity and promote a quality tourism offer, the dematerialized educational kit is composed of three videos, an educational booklet and a small communication kit.
The videos will allow you to discover or review :
Video 1 : Discovering the marine biodiversity of the Caribbean, eco-actions
Video 2 : The marine mammals of the caribbean region
Video 3 : Guidelines and behaviors to follow for a respectful and sustainable commercial marine mammal watching activity (Guidelines for marine mammal watching in the widder caribbean region, UNEP, 2011).
It is strongly recommended to watch all the videos before reading the educational booklet and to answer the small quizzes to evaluate yourself.
In order to support you in your activity, we propose a poster and a leaflet to guide and illustrate the information that can be delivered to clients by operators during a cetacean watching trip.
Warning : These recommendations do not replace the national regulations. We therefore advise you to contact the competent authorities to find out the regulations in force in your country.