• Welcome to

    the SPAW-RAC’s website

    The Regional Activity Centre for the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife for the Wider Caribbean Region




SPAW-RAC’s mission is to promote regional cooperation for the protection and the development of the Wider Caribbean Region. In order to accomplish this, the SPAW-RAC deploys four axis of its biennial program established by the Conference of the Parties.


The diverse species composing the Caribbean’s coastal and marine flora and fauna protected under the SPAW Protocol are listed in its annexes I, II and III.


The protection and sustainable management of coral reefs, mangrove forests and seagrasses is necessary to reinforce the Caribbean coastal resilience.


The listing of Caribbean protected areas under the SPAW protocol in regards of its Article 7 is a top priority for the Contracting Parties.

Key figures

Wild species protected by the SPAW Protocol


Caribbean protected sites of which 35 listed under SPAW


Funds raised during the 2019-2020 biennial


Parties to the Cartagena Convention (17 to SPAW)


Countries which ratified the SPAW Protocol