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Mitigating the Threats of Invasive Alien Species in the Caribbean - Introduction
Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are plants, animals or microorganisms not native to an ecosystem, whose introduction is threatening biodiversity, food security, health or economic development. They are recognized as one of the major threats to vulnerable native species and habitats in the Caribbean, in particular on the vulnerable marine biodiversity, and to the people depending on this biodiversity for their livelihoods.
One of the main objectives of the SPAW Protocol is the monitoring, detection and fight against those IAS. In order to limit the impacts of IAS, the strategic goals that have been adopted world-wide are :
- PREVENT introductions of species that are known to be invasive,
- ERADICATE by destroying or removing them when possible before they spread, - CONTAIN by stoping new invasions from further spreading,
- MANAGE the established invasions and restore habitats, where possible.
You will find in this section information on this issue, including a presentation of some relevant regional projects recently completed or still on-going .