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SPAW-RAC's switchboard number has changed :
Le numéro d'accueil du CAR-SPAW a changé :
El numéro de atención telefónica del CAR-SPAW ha cambiado:
+33 (0) 590 41 55 82
You will find below a summary of the February 2013 release, in english. Click on the picture to download the newsletter.
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News of the month
18 Protected Areas (PAs) have been listed under the SPAW Protocol during the Seventh Meeting of the Contracting Parties - COP7
Focus on
UNEP-CAR/RCU and SPAW meetings: Adoption of the new SPAW Workplan for 2013-2014
On-going projects
Results of the 2nd Agoa monitoring campaign
Wrap-up of Caribbean Challenge initiative : two last mid-size grants for enforcement awarded
Extension of the LifeWeb project on broad-scale Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) for marine mammals and next activities
Update on the major achievements of the GEF Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) Reef Biodiversity and Reef Fisheries Pilot Project
Caribbean Waterbird Census Regional Count 2013
Wrapping-up of the project on mangrove reforestation and environmental education in Haiti
Translation of the Lionfish Manual in Spanish completed
New large project on MPAs : the IUCN BIOPAMA project
Karukera Benthos 2012 in Guadeloupe, FWI
CMS Small Grants Programme Announces Projects Funded
NFWF announcement of solicitation for spring 2013 funding
Useful links