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Tenemos el placer de presentarle el boletín del CAR SPAW, que se publica en Inglés. Abajo hay un resumen del número de Abril2014. Para descargar pulse en la imagen.
News of the month:
Announcement and Save -The-Date for the upcoming Intergovernmental Meetings of the Cartagena Convention
Focus on:
Call for listing additional PAs under SPAW Protocol for next COP planned for 25th November and progress on the dedicated programme of cooperation
SPAW-listed sites and CaMPAM News
■ CaMPAM/ECMMAN Small Grant Program to promote effective marine managed areas in the Eastern Caribbean under ECMMAN project – first call for proposals
■ Learning Exchange for Junior MPA Officers in Belize organized by IUCN BIOPAMA program with the contribution of UNEP-CEP/SPAW-CaMPAM
On-going projects:
■ 'ZOE' missions: Post-larval capture and culture in Guadeloupe, FWI
■ Agoa marine mammal monitoring campaign, dry season 2014
■ Deploying Argos satellite tags on humpback whales in the Northen Lesser Antilles
■ Meeting on Scenarios for Transboundary Marine Mammal Management in the Wider Caribbean
■ Voluntary Scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European Overseas
■ Fifteenth Session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (26-28 March, 2014)
■ Arrival of a dedicated ECMMAN project assistant
■ Ecosystem conservation and restoration : CDB Capacity-building workshop for the Caribbean in Belize City
■ Funding opportunity : USFWS Wildlife Without Borders-Latin America and Caribbean
■ Who Pays the Birds? Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival 2014
■ Upcoming lionfish workshops to implement the Regional Lionfish Strategy at the national and sub-regional scale
■ New environmental project in Haiti within the recently declared second MPA in the country
Upcoming and recent events
Useful links