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You will find below a summary of the September 2013 release, in english. Click on the picture to download the newsletter.
Tenemos el placer de presentarle el boletín del CAR SPAW, que se publica en Inglés. Abajo hay un resumen del número de Septiembre 2013. Para descargar pulse en la imagen.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous le sommaire du numéro de Septembre 2013, en anglais. Cliquez sur l'image pour télécharger.
News of the month
Launching of a cooperation programme for the protected areas listed under the SPAW Protocol
Focus on
66th annual meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute : new “MPA science and management” session
On-going projects
Capacity building for marine mammal stranding networks : stranding kits distributed
New steps taken to tackle the invasion of the lionfish
Upcoming joint IWC and SPAW/UNEP training workshop on response to large whale entanglement events
Call for data : Leaflet on marine mammal watching in the WCR
The UNEP-CEP Project to support the countries associated to the Caribbean Challenge comes to end
A methodology to estimate local lionfish density with lionfish derbies
IUCN Green List of Protected Areas
Useful links