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You wish to develop a stranding network on your territory, or strengthen it? You will find bellow:
SPAW RAC (2007) Protocoles and techniques for responding to strandings
IWC (2016) Report of an IWC Workshop Developing Practical Guidance for the Handling of Cetacean Stranding Events. IWC/66/WKM&WI Rep02
ACCOBAMS & ASCOBANS (2019) Best practice on cetacean post mortem nvestigation and tissue sampling.
Geraci JR & Loundsbury VJ (1993) Marine Mammals Ashore: A field guide for strandings.
Pugliares et al. (2007) Marine mammal necropsy.
Junta de Andalucía (2017) Manual de atencion a varamientos del litoral Andaluz.
Aragones LV, et al. (2013) Philippine Marine mammal stranding response manual.
Ministerio del Ambiente (2018) Protocolo de Respuesta a Varamientos de Especies Marinas en Ecuador.
The Global Marine Animal Stranding Toolkit
The global stranding network website