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Due to the CoViD-19 pandemic, many conservation projects halted, funding withdrawn and organizations weakened. In this context, and in order to strengthen the capacities of regional players and fund projects in favor of Caribbean biodiversity the SPAW-RAC experimented with a call for proposals for short-term small grants (up to 10,000 euros / 4 months to 1 year).
Given the success of this Call for Proposals, which has supported numerous organizations in implementing concrete conservation projects in all Caribbean territories, SPAW RAC has decided to re-launch a Call for Proposals in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Since 2020, SPAW-RAC’s program of small calls for proposals has supported over 50 Caribbean biodiversity conservation projects in more than 25 countries and 35 territories.
The benefits of this program in terms of effective action and visibility in the field are undeniable, and we now need to perpetuate and expand it.
SPAW-RAC is looking for partners and funders to collaborate in the success of this SPAW protocol for the protection of biodiversity in the Caribbean.
You can consult the list of supported projects and the small call for projects program leaflet in the attachment.